Monday, April 23, 2012


since my camera is near death I've been trying to scrape together all the money that I can as quickly as I can to replace it, and I was long overdue for a restock of legwarmers in the shop anyway; so I've been working the past couple of days to get a whole bunch of legwarmers in a nice variety of colors and patterns done in both msd and sd size.
I just finished getting them all listed a bit ago, so they're all still up for grabs.
as well as the new legwarmers, there are still a whole bunch of tutus available in all sizes, both premade and custom order belts, and pin back buttons.
if there is anything that you want but I don't have enough listed, or I don't have it available in the proper size; feel free to message me on etsy or shoot me an email at the address linked in the sidebar and I can let you know if what you want is possible and set up a custom listing for you ^_^
I'm planning to try and get to work this week on even more new things for the shop.
possibly some different things that I haven't offered before like armwarmers and skirts.
to get to the shop either click on the etsy module in the sidebar or visit the link below.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

so... change of plans.

if you watch me on deviantART you may have already heard, but my camera is threatening to die on me.
when I went outside to take pictures of lena earlier, half of the buttons decided to stop working.
as of now it's still taking pictures, but I can't get to the menu, turn on macro, turn on flash (not that I ever use flash), or delete things off my memory card -_-
I've wanted to upgrade my camera for sometime now, but this is kind of good and terrible timing all at once...
I'd started to scrap together as much money as I could to try and afford realpuki pupu before the anniversary event is over and he isn't available anymore; so I have a little bit of money together right now, but now rather than spending it on the doll that I want desperately I get to spend it on the camera that I do want but mostly need desperately 'cause if I don't have a camera then my business goes in the toilet since no sales pictures = no listings.
I'm about to get to work on some more stuff for a restock, and hopefully my camera will at least hold up and keep working the way that it is now for a while longer 'cause I'm not sure exactly how long it's going to take me to get a new one; and I haven't taken pictures of any of the new stuff yet 'cause I usually wait to do it all at once >.<

Friday, April 20, 2012


so in an effort to be able to afford a realpuki pupu within the next three weeks I've been busy busy sewing up a storm for a restock of legwarmers.
I'm nearly done and ready to take pictures to get them listed, but I've got a handful more to make still.
I did also make a few things for myself 'cause a lot of the fabric was new stuff that I got forever ago to make lena things out of but hadn't gotten to it yet since I'd been busy with other things.
so yeah.
what a glamorous friday night xD
sewing and watching ed sheeran videos on youtube.


Thursday, April 19, 2012

seriously fairyland...

so apparently the realpukis and feeples that were released as limited to the anniversary event that fairyland had going on earlier this year are supposed to be available as basic through the duration of the event, which is now still going on now with the release of more new dolls for the event.
so pupu is still available, and I still can't afford him...
like, had I known he would continue to be available for a little longer I would have been saving hardcore so that I could get him rather than spending my money on other shit that I didn't necessarily need.
just... ugh...
I'ma go cry in a corner now ;;

Friday, April 6, 2012

well it took you long enough...

after like three days of watching tracking thinking that she was close, the blythe that I got from mah feebb showed up today.
she's much heavier than I thought she was going to be.
I guess having all dolls with fur wigs, I forget just how heavy fiber hair can be xD
plus I guess the rubber scalp also adds weight 'cause even after hacking off most of her hair she's still pretty heavy compared to my dal.
she's going to be a full custom when I'm done with her, and will wear much more rainbow-y clothes than what she's wearing right now, but I just happened to have this dress that I got from a friend awhile back so I stuck her in it for the time being.



I love her cute little silver heart earrings >3<
I may actually paint them though so they're a bright color or maybe even multicolor 'cause she's going to be my rainbow-y girl <3


 I was already well aware that her hair was a giant mess, and I don't mind since I'm going to be doing a mohair reroot on her.
I did try to give her hair a good soak to untangle it, but as you can see it was pretty awful to start off with, so she ended up getting a pretty short haircut since most of the tangles were at the bottom and I want to be able to play with her while waiting to get the things I need to start working on her.
her hair texture is just pretty icky in general.
it's kind of squeaky but dry at the same time; but it's a lot better now that the tangles are all gone and I've put a healthy amount of leave-in conditioner in it.


she won't be keeping any of her stock chips 'cause I don't love the look of them in doll, but I'm really looking forward to making some jewelry or something out of them :D
for those that are unaware, I have stretched ears; and they're stretched large enough that I think that blythe chips will be just about the perfect size to set in some plugs.
you can also see here that she has that whole downward gaze issue 'cause she's an sbl, but I'll be fixing that eventually.


I've actually never been a big fan of stock girls.
even though I got bitten by the blythe bug pretty hard last year, I was always more of a custom girl fan; but I like her as is quite a lot more than I thought I would.
I mean, this doesn't change my want to customize her 'cause there are for sure things I don't like, the painted lip shape for instance, but I'm looking forward to playing with her a little before I actually get to work on her.

like I said before, she got a haircut after I soaked her for a while to try and detangle.
I'll post pictures of her with her new hairdo on flickr tomorrow.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

all nighter!

still not done, but I did get finished with current commissions plus all but three of the tutus I have planned for the shop restock.
one yo-sd size and two sd size left to go and then I'll take photos of everything and get stuff listed hopefully in the next day or so.
I want to get some legwarmers done too, but I'm going to go ahead and get the tutus up first 'cause it's been ages since I've listed anything new and I feel bad 'cause I keep promising it and stuff just kept getting pushed back for various reasons.
not this time though!
for real, stuff should be listed in the next couple of days.
there will be 3 pukipuki, 6 pukifee/lati yellow/monster high, 1 yo-sd, 2 msd, and 2 sd.

and here's a little sneak preview of what I've got done so far.

all nighter!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

not today...

no blythe today, maybe tomorrow though.
tracking says she sorted through new york on the 31st, so she has to get here soon...

in the meantime I'm in the process of searching for a hat for her.
her hair is in pretty rough shape from what fee told me, and it's going to be a bit before I can even get the mohair for her reroot let alone actually get done with it; so I wanted to find something pretty for her to wear until I can get her hair situation sorted.
trying to find something that I like that's within my slightly pitiful budget right now is proving harder than I thought it might be :/
I wanted something bright and preferably multicolor, and I didn't want to have to preorder something and have to wait a week or two for it to ship since she should be arriving shortly; but everything I like and can afford seems to be preorder or not really quite what I was hoping for.

I may end up just trying to make something 'cause I had been looking for something knit or crochet, but I could probably manage something out of fabric since I'm going to need to make her something to wear when she gets here anyway.

park adventures!

so on sunday I organized a mini-meet at a local park with a few other bjd people.
the weather has been really gross and rainy lately, but sunday was actually really nice and sunny but not too hot; kind of the perfect day to be out and about taking pictures.
I suck and didn't get any shots of anyone else's dolls, just my own; but I was really happy to have a good handful out of the 200-ish shots (lots of repeats of the same pose and angle, to make sure I got at least one that was clear) that I took that I actually liked enough to bother editing xD

the park is only 20 minutes or so away from my house, but since I don't drive I don't get to go out that way particularly often; so I always really enjoy what time I do get to spend there.

on with the pictures.


Pan : but... -tries to wiggle away- I jus wanna see what's down there!


come on darling.




there's also an extra shot of some pretty pansies, but I want to do a whole 'nother post with flower pictures later 'cause I've been having lots of fun with those lately; so I'll just post that one later...

-spazzy fits of glee-