after like three days of watching tracking thinking that she was close, the blythe that I got from mah feebb showed up today.
she's much heavier than I thought she was going to be.
I guess having all dolls with fur wigs, I forget just how heavy fiber hair can be xD
plus I guess the rubber scalp also adds weight 'cause even after hacking off most of her hair she's still pretty heavy compared to my dal.
she's going to be a full custom when I'm done with her, and will wear much more rainbow-y clothes than what she's wearing right now, but I just happened to have this dress that I got from a friend awhile back so I stuck her in it for the time being.
I love her cute little silver heart earrings >3<
I may actually paint them though so they're a bright color or maybe even multicolor 'cause she's going to be my rainbow-y girl <3
I was already well aware that her hair was a giant mess, and I don't mind since I'm going to be doing a mohair reroot on her.
I did try to give her hair a good soak to untangle it, but as you can see it was pretty awful to start off with, so she ended up getting a pretty short haircut since most of the tangles were at the bottom and I want to be able to play with her while waiting to get the things I need to start working on her.
her hair texture is just pretty icky in general.
it's kind of squeaky but dry at the same time; but it's a lot better now that the tangles are all gone and I've put a healthy amount of leave-in conditioner in it.
she won't be keeping any of her stock chips 'cause I don't love the look of them in doll, but I'm really looking forward to making some jewelry or something out of them :D
for those that are unaware, I have stretched ears; and they're stretched large enough that I think that blythe chips will be just about the perfect size to set in some plugs.
you can also see here that she has that whole downward gaze issue 'cause she's an sbl, but I'll be fixing that eventually.
I've actually never been a big fan of stock girls.
even though I got bitten by the blythe bug pretty hard last year, I was always more of a custom girl fan; but I like her as is quite a lot more than I thought I would.
I mean, this doesn't change my want to customize her 'cause there are for sure things I don't like, the painted lip shape for instance, but I'm looking forward to playing with her a little before I actually get to work on her.
like I said before, she got a haircut after I soaked her for a while to try and detangle.
I'll post pictures of her with her new hairdo on flickr tomorrow.