so on sunday I organized a mini-meet at a local park with a few other bjd people.
the weather has been really gross and rainy lately, but sunday was actually really nice and sunny but not too hot; kind of the perfect day to be out and about taking pictures.
I suck and didn't get any shots of anyone else's dolls, just my own; but I was really happy to have a good handful out of the 200-ish shots (lots of repeats of the same pose and angle, to make sure I got at least one that was clear) that I took that I actually liked enough to bother editing xD
the park is only 20 minutes or so away from my house, but since I don't drive I don't get to go out that way particularly often; so I always really enjoy what time I do get to spend there.
on with the pictures.
Pan : but... -tries to wiggle away- I jus wanna see what's down there!
there's also an extra shot of some pretty pansies, but I want to do a whole 'nother post with flower pictures later 'cause I've been having lots of fun with those lately; so I'll just post that one later...
-spazzy fits of glee-
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