Friday, June 1, 2012

taking time to breathe...

I'm glad to say that everyone really seemed to like the shorts that I decided, basically on a whim, to make; and I managed to save up enough money to buy my first dslr, a Nikon D3100 ;3;
I mean I'd already saved up quite a bit before my fujifilm point and shoot started to crap out on me, but I never thought that I'd manage to save up the rest of what I needed as quickly as I did; so I'm very grateful to anyone who purchased anything at all from my shop the past several weeks 'cause I wouldn't have been able to do it without them.
I've had several requests from people for SD size dyed shorts, and I most definitely want to work out a pattern so I can include them in the next batch. But for right now I'm going to be taking a bit of a break to work on some personal projects 'cause I feel like I've just been so busy the past several weeks trying to make things to sell so I could afford a new camera that I just keep shoving stuff that I want/need to do for my own dolls off into the "I'll get to it later" pile.
So for the next couple weeks or so I'm going to put new things for the shop on the back burner and give myself a little time to just take a break and get to work on some things that I've been putting off for far too long, like clothes for poor Egg 'cause she's seriously lacking in that department even though I already bought a whole bunch of fabric awhile back to make her stuff.
I mean I may still make some things to list here and there, and commissions will still be open as always; there just won't be any big updates like there had been with the legwarmers and the shorts.

but yeah...
list of the things I'm planning to try and get done.

various clothes for egg (she kind of needs a little bit of everything)
bathing suit for lena
printed and solid color jersey shorts for lena (and probably some to sell)
various clothes for livi (she needs some more summery tops)

extended list that only applies if I can get some msc ordered, and the humidity goes down.
new faceups for pan
new faceups for avery
repaint ava (stupid testors is getting sticky :/)
paint ava's twin (base doll is skull shores frankie) that I'm going to sell/auction
maybe open up egg and start working on her, but idk 'cause I didn't want to open her until I can start her reroot too.

I'm also going to have to spend some time learning how to use my new camera when it gets here probably sometime next week.
I'm very new to the whole dslr thing, and frankly have no idea what I'm doing.
the only times I've used a dslr in the past I basically just had it handed to me and I did nothing but push the shutter button, so it was kind of just like a really expensive point and shoot xD
so it may take me awhile to get the hang of it and figure everything out, but I'm really excited to learn; and it'll be nice to have more control over the photos that I take 'cause that was why I'd always been planning to upgrade to a dslr when I had the money to spare anyway, the upgrade just happened a little sooner than I thought it would.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

if you wanted a pair of those rainbow shorts...

be sure to head over to my etsy shop!
they've all been listed now, and 4 pairs of the rainbow ones are already gone; so be sure to check them out now so you don't miss out on the pair you want.
each pair is one of a kind. even though some of them have similar color patterns, no two pairs are exactly alike.
I'm not sure yet if/when I'll be making more, it'll all depend on how well these go, and how quickly I can get a pattern made for SD size dolls 'cause I want to be able to do both sizes next time if I do decide to make more.
and don't forget to go "like" the fan page for my shop on facebook 'cause post updates there as things are listed so you can be the first to know.
you can find a link for that in the sidebar ^_^

Sunday, May 20, 2012

overdue update...

so I said that I'd post a blog about the rainbow shorts when I actually got to work on them.
I'd fully meant to do more blogs throughout the process to show progress pictures and what not, but if you follow me on flickr I had been posting stuff there (and on instagram within the last couple days 'cause I got my fancy new droid xD)
I went into it thinking it was going to be super simple, but I also didn't originally plan to sew 29 pairs of shorts xD
if you read the last blog you'll already know some of this, but whatever.
only 23 of those 29 pairs got bleached and dyed, while I left the 6 extra pairs as the light denim color that they were to begin with and just distressed them.
I spent about 15 hours the first day cutting out the pieces for and sewing all 29 pairs.
the next day I spent about 8 hours doing as much distressing as I possibly could.
the day after that I finished with the distressing and rinsed/dried them all to make the frayed bits look better and more actually worn.
the next day I got started with the bleaching which took something like 4-5 hours 'cause for whatever reason the bleach I bought sucks and just didn't seem to want to take the color out of the denim in a timely manner.
that night after I'd finished with the bleaching and had given them some time to dry part of the way I applied the dye to all of the shorts and let them sit and dry for nearly 48 hours before I rinsed and washed them.
it was kind of more work than I'd figured, but I'm really happy with how they turned out in the end 'cause the parts where I thought the colors looked really muddy actually don't look bad after they were washed since you can't really see where each color set when they're still covered in dye, so in some of the places where I thought too many colors mixed it wasn't actually bad because not all of the colors set where they bled.
I'm hoping to get pictures taken of all the pairs that will be for sale within the next couple days 'cause I know some people are waiting for them to be available already, it's just going to take a bit since I have to take pictures of the front and back of every pair since they're all different.
I'm also hoping to get an SD size pattern worked out 'cause some people expressed interest in them, and I don't generally like to sew fitted  things for dolls that I don't have in house; but I think if I can get a friend to help me with the measurements I'd need, and trying on a test pair or two then I can manage it.

enough babbling, here are some shots of the finished shorts!

this was when the dye was still wet.

lena wearing the first pair that I decided I was for sure keeping. 

instagram spam of a bunch of the finished pairs.
some of those pictured will be for sale, but some are pairs that I'm keeping for myself.
and I'm eleanoranne on instagram by the way if you happen to want to follow me on there ^_^

Monday, May 14, 2012

drowning in denim fuzz...

so I've been working my poor fingers pretty hard the past couple days, but hopefully it'll all be worth it soon.
I was itching to be able to actually get some of the awesome rainbow dyed shorts done, but I don't want to waste the dye since the tie dye kit was a little on the expensive side.
I had a pair of light colored stretch denim jeans to cut up and use for the project, and I decided to make as many pairs as I could get out of one pants leg; which was 29 pairs.
I spent about 15 hours saturday (working sort of on and off, and taking a break to cook dinner for the family) cutting and sewing all 29 pairs
then today I spent quite a few hours fraying the edges of all the pairs of shorts and starting to otherwise distress all of the pairs.
the leg edges of all of the pairs are frayed, and I got through putting holes and what not in 11 pairs before my fingers were too sore to keep going; plus it's nearly 5am so I should probably sleep...
I'm hoping to get all the rest of the pairs distressed tomorrow; then I'll rinse and run all of the shorts through the dryer so the frayed bits look better, and bleach 23 pairs 'cause I'm leaving a handful of pairs the color that they are, but the rest will all be dyed pretty rainbow colors :D

Thursday, May 10, 2012


so I was on tumblr awhile back and came across this picture of a girl wearing these amazing distressed rainbow stripe denim shorts.
I knew right away that I just had to make some for Lena 'cause they're just so very her, but I wasn't really sure how to go about dying them since generally in the past when I've tried to dye things that are striped or specifically patterned where you don't want too much running/blending I've managed to make a mess; then  I saw AndreasChoice post a how-to video, and apparently the colors bleeding isn't actually that big of an issue since you kind of want them to blend at least a little anyway.
so I picked up a tulip brand tie-dye kit and some bleach at the store since I've always had nice results when working with tulip brand dye in the past, and oh I'm going to make so many pairs of shorts xD
the kit I bought comes with enough dye to make up to 20 t-shirts, so I'd imagine I can get a whole bunch of pairs of doll size shorts out of it; and I actually have a pair of jeans that got a big hole in them awhile back that will be perfect for dolly shorts 'cause they're pretty thin stretchy denim.
I'll probably make some pairs to list if I can manage to make enough pairs that fit nicely 'cause I generally fail at pants/shorts making, but I'm going to give it a shot xD
I don't know yet what I'd charge for them if I do end up listing some, it'll depend on how long they take me to mak.
I've embedded the video by Andrea below, you should definitely take a look at it 'cause even if you don't want to make shorts, you could really stripe dye anything.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

late night.

late night sewing.
busy working on one wig commission, and might at least start on another depending on how late it is when I finish this one.
I'm also working my way through the seasons of Being Human (UK) 'cause a few different friends had insisted that I should give it a second chance, and am currently halfway through the third season.
the first time I tried to watch it I got really turned off of it after just a couple episodes 'cause I just really didn't like Annie, and she bugged me enough that I just couldn't really get past it.
but this time around I decided to stick it out and I feel like she got less annoying as things went on; and I really do like other things about the series so I'm glad I gave it another shot.
it's turning out to be a lot different than the American version than I thought it'd be.
I'd say that they do sort of follow the same general plot line to an extent, but there are a lot of things that are really different too; and even some things that are done in both storylines but in different order or are handled differently.
over all from where I'm at in the series now, having seen all of the American version and most of the UK version, I'd say that I do like both pretty equally for various reasons.

oh, and I signed up for a trial of hulu plus to watch it 'cause; but I definitely won't actually be paying for the service after the trial is up.
it costs as much per month as netflix, but it's still got stupid commercials :/
I don't know if the commercials are because it's a trial, but that makes no sense 'cause isn't the point of a trial to actually try the service as it is when you pay for it; so I figure that the commercials are normal.
but why in the world are the commercials on a service that you pay for, that's kind of a rip off in my opinion.
so yeah, I guess it's sort of convenient, but netflix is a whole lot better so if I were to go back to paying for one or the other it'd definitely be netflix

Thursday, May 3, 2012

so much for being productive...

so I've had all these great intentions to really get busy sewing and get a bunch of stuff done 'cause I've only got about 1/4 of what I need to get a new camera, so I really need to get some more stuff listed asap.
but then Fee pestered me to play this game called Eden Eternal with her...
yeah, guess how much sewing I've gotten done...
I mean, it's not entirely the game's fault 'cause in generally I've just been feeling a little meh the past few days or so, and that generally results in me not being in the most productive of moods; but if I weren't distracting myself playing the game I'd probably try harder to get busy and actually accomplish something.
it's so fun though ;;
it's kind of very much like WoW in my opinion, but free (aside from the item shop thingy that they have with like luxury items that you don't really necessarily need to play and have fun) plus it's all cute and anime >3<
I also feel like it's easier for a beginner to get into 'cause in general it seems a lot simpler than some mmorpgs that I've played, and has some built in features that remind me of this extra thing called quest helper that I used to have installed back when I played WoW

so yeah, that above is my character.
I play on diamond server, and am generally on channel 4 'cause it gives me the least lag.
so if you already play and happen to be on diamond server, or decide to start playing you should definitely add me.
I generally keep to myself in game 'cause in my history of playing mmorpgs I fail at the whole multiplayer bit and generally prefer to solo.
but I definitely don't mind playing with people that I already know from other places, I'm just a bit of a hermit and don't always play well with strangers xD

tomorrow I really do need to try to keep off the game and get busy though 'cause I do have a couple of wig commissions that I need to bust out; so even if I don't get anything to list done I do at least need to get those started and hopefully finished.

Monday, April 23, 2012


since my camera is near death I've been trying to scrape together all the money that I can as quickly as I can to replace it, and I was long overdue for a restock of legwarmers in the shop anyway; so I've been working the past couple of days to get a whole bunch of legwarmers in a nice variety of colors and patterns done in both msd and sd size.
I just finished getting them all listed a bit ago, so they're all still up for grabs.
as well as the new legwarmers, there are still a whole bunch of tutus available in all sizes, both premade and custom order belts, and pin back buttons.
if there is anything that you want but I don't have enough listed, or I don't have it available in the proper size; feel free to message me on etsy or shoot me an email at the address linked in the sidebar and I can let you know if what you want is possible and set up a custom listing for you ^_^
I'm planning to try and get to work this week on even more new things for the shop.
possibly some different things that I haven't offered before like armwarmers and skirts.
to get to the shop either click on the etsy module in the sidebar or visit the link below.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

so... change of plans.

if you watch me on deviantART you may have already heard, but my camera is threatening to die on me.
when I went outside to take pictures of lena earlier, half of the buttons decided to stop working.
as of now it's still taking pictures, but I can't get to the menu, turn on macro, turn on flash (not that I ever use flash), or delete things off my memory card -_-
I've wanted to upgrade my camera for sometime now, but this is kind of good and terrible timing all at once...
I'd started to scrap together as much money as I could to try and afford realpuki pupu before the anniversary event is over and he isn't available anymore; so I have a little bit of money together right now, but now rather than spending it on the doll that I want desperately I get to spend it on the camera that I do want but mostly need desperately 'cause if I don't have a camera then my business goes in the toilet since no sales pictures = no listings.
I'm about to get to work on some more stuff for a restock, and hopefully my camera will at least hold up and keep working the way that it is now for a while longer 'cause I'm not sure exactly how long it's going to take me to get a new one; and I haven't taken pictures of any of the new stuff yet 'cause I usually wait to do it all at once >.<

Friday, April 20, 2012


so in an effort to be able to afford a realpuki pupu within the next three weeks I've been busy busy sewing up a storm for a restock of legwarmers.
I'm nearly done and ready to take pictures to get them listed, but I've got a handful more to make still.
I did also make a few things for myself 'cause a lot of the fabric was new stuff that I got forever ago to make lena things out of but hadn't gotten to it yet since I'd been busy with other things.
so yeah.
what a glamorous friday night xD
sewing and watching ed sheeran videos on youtube.


Thursday, April 19, 2012

seriously fairyland...

so apparently the realpukis and feeples that were released as limited to the anniversary event that fairyland had going on earlier this year are supposed to be available as basic through the duration of the event, which is now still going on now with the release of more new dolls for the event.
so pupu is still available, and I still can't afford him...
like, had I known he would continue to be available for a little longer I would have been saving hardcore so that I could get him rather than spending my money on other shit that I didn't necessarily need.
just... ugh...
I'ma go cry in a corner now ;;

Friday, April 6, 2012

well it took you long enough...

after like three days of watching tracking thinking that she was close, the blythe that I got from mah feebb showed up today.
she's much heavier than I thought she was going to be.
I guess having all dolls with fur wigs, I forget just how heavy fiber hair can be xD
plus I guess the rubber scalp also adds weight 'cause even after hacking off most of her hair she's still pretty heavy compared to my dal.
she's going to be a full custom when I'm done with her, and will wear much more rainbow-y clothes than what she's wearing right now, but I just happened to have this dress that I got from a friend awhile back so I stuck her in it for the time being.



I love her cute little silver heart earrings >3<
I may actually paint them though so they're a bright color or maybe even multicolor 'cause she's going to be my rainbow-y girl <3


 I was already well aware that her hair was a giant mess, and I don't mind since I'm going to be doing a mohair reroot on her.
I did try to give her hair a good soak to untangle it, but as you can see it was pretty awful to start off with, so she ended up getting a pretty short haircut since most of the tangles were at the bottom and I want to be able to play with her while waiting to get the things I need to start working on her.
her hair texture is just pretty icky in general.
it's kind of squeaky but dry at the same time; but it's a lot better now that the tangles are all gone and I've put a healthy amount of leave-in conditioner in it.


she won't be keeping any of her stock chips 'cause I don't love the look of them in doll, but I'm really looking forward to making some jewelry or something out of them :D
for those that are unaware, I have stretched ears; and they're stretched large enough that I think that blythe chips will be just about the perfect size to set in some plugs.
you can also see here that she has that whole downward gaze issue 'cause she's an sbl, but I'll be fixing that eventually.


I've actually never been a big fan of stock girls.
even though I got bitten by the blythe bug pretty hard last year, I was always more of a custom girl fan; but I like her as is quite a lot more than I thought I would.
I mean, this doesn't change my want to customize her 'cause there are for sure things I don't like, the painted lip shape for instance, but I'm looking forward to playing with her a little before I actually get to work on her.

like I said before, she got a haircut after I soaked her for a while to try and detangle.
I'll post pictures of her with her new hairdo on flickr tomorrow.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

all nighter!

still not done, but I did get finished with current commissions plus all but three of the tutus I have planned for the shop restock.
one yo-sd size and two sd size left to go and then I'll take photos of everything and get stuff listed hopefully in the next day or so.
I want to get some legwarmers done too, but I'm going to go ahead and get the tutus up first 'cause it's been ages since I've listed anything new and I feel bad 'cause I keep promising it and stuff just kept getting pushed back for various reasons.
not this time though!
for real, stuff should be listed in the next couple of days.
there will be 3 pukipuki, 6 pukifee/lati yellow/monster high, 1 yo-sd, 2 msd, and 2 sd.

and here's a little sneak preview of what I've got done so far.

all nighter!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

not today...

no blythe today, maybe tomorrow though.
tracking says she sorted through new york on the 31st, so she has to get here soon...

in the meantime I'm in the process of searching for a hat for her.
her hair is in pretty rough shape from what fee told me, and it's going to be a bit before I can even get the mohair for her reroot let alone actually get done with it; so I wanted to find something pretty for her to wear until I can get her hair situation sorted.
trying to find something that I like that's within my slightly pitiful budget right now is proving harder than I thought it might be :/
I wanted something bright and preferably multicolor, and I didn't want to have to preorder something and have to wait a week or two for it to ship since she should be arriving shortly; but everything I like and can afford seems to be preorder or not really quite what I was hoping for.

I may end up just trying to make something 'cause I had been looking for something knit or crochet, but I could probably manage something out of fabric since I'm going to need to make her something to wear when she gets here anyway.

park adventures!

so on sunday I organized a mini-meet at a local park with a few other bjd people.
the weather has been really gross and rainy lately, but sunday was actually really nice and sunny but not too hot; kind of the perfect day to be out and about taking pictures.
I suck and didn't get any shots of anyone else's dolls, just my own; but I was really happy to have a good handful out of the 200-ish shots (lots of repeats of the same pose and angle, to make sure I got at least one that was clear) that I took that I actually liked enough to bother editing xD

the park is only 20 minutes or so away from my house, but since I don't drive I don't get to go out that way particularly often; so I always really enjoy what time I do get to spend there.

on with the pictures.


Pan : but... -tries to wiggle away- I jus wanna see what's down there!


come on darling.




there's also an extra shot of some pretty pansies, but I want to do a whole 'nother post with flower pictures later 'cause I've been having lots of fun with those lately; so I'll just post that one later...

-spazzy fits of glee-

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

wigs wigs wigs!

now that the birthday project is all over, I've had to get busy on the backlog of commissions that I'd put on the back burner so I could work on my personal project.
I'm not by any means done, but I've busted out three wigs in the past two days.
one is the last of fee's wigs, one is a very late christmas present for a friend, and one is a commission for someone on dA. 



rainbow dash? xD

these are the last of the wigs from the current commission list that I'll be doing for a bit.
I've still got a few more on the list, but I've got to wait on fur for all of those before I can get started on any of them.

Friday, March 23, 2012

mission accomplished!

so my birthday has come and gone.
over all it was a really good day.
one of my best friends surprised me by stopping by with a gift, a beautiful snow globe with two cute little pandas in it ;3;
and my dad also surprised me with a handful of gifts. he got me the muppet movie on dvd, breaking dawn on dvd (it's going back to the store shortly xD), some really cool sharpies for writing on fabric, a set of canvases and easels "for the dollies", and an artist manikin "because you like those jointed things" xD
I really do appreciate that he's trying to be more tolerant of the dolls and even a little supportive.
and I managed to finish my not so super secret project in time, and am now finally completely finished with it since I've got the video detailing the assembly process all uploaded and ready to watch.
the set will change and evolve each time I use it, just like Lena's room does; but I'm happy with what I did get done in time for the photos yesterday.
it was definitely a challenge, and ended up more work that I'd thought it would be; but I think it was well worth it, and I hope that everyone else enjoys the pictures and getting to watch how I put everything together.

just like any other day.

yeah, I'm stuck here all day...

happy birthday, now get back to work...

walls are two large foam project boards purchased at walmart and taped together in an L shape
door was added to the back wall with spray paint and a balsa wood door frame
floor is a large piece of dark grey fleece
counter is a miniature wooden dresser purchased at hobby lobby and painted/customized with spray paint and scrapbook paper
corkboard is from hobby lobby flyers were made up in photoshop and printed to size
metal nail art decorations were used as fake tacks for the notice board
computer is from nightfall, but you can buy them nearly anywhere
sheet music was found online and printed to size
various knick-knacks on the counter are either made by me, iwako brand erasers, or re-ment
feel free to ask if you're curious about something specific ^_^

Sunday, March 18, 2012


got lena's keyboard finished, so yay for that.
used up the last of my black spraypaint painting the door on the wall, then ruined the wall when peeling the tape off 'cause it decided to rip the paper surface of the foam board -_-
my mom has an eye doctor appointment tomorrow to talk about vision surgery, so I'm not sure how I'm going to get to the store to buy more paint and another foam board; and not having that kind of puts a giant damper on being able to finish up the music shop 'cause with only one wall I can't set it up :/
and on top of that, because of the surgery I may not have a ride to laura's this coming weekend 'cause if they do operate this week she won't be able to drive and I'm not sure I can get anyone else to take me.
I mean, I'm happy that my mom is going to get her eyes fixed 'cause her vision has gotten a lot worse lately, but it's times like these that remind me how big a pain in the ass not driving is.
I really wish it was as simple as just getting over it and learning, but I get uneasy just riding in cars; so the idea of driving one scares me more than a little.

well I'm going to try to at least get a bunch of the other things for the set done tomorrow since finishing the walls is on hold.
I'm aiming to attach the scrapbook paper to the counter, make the guitar picks and bags to put those and the guitar strings in, and hunt down a bunch of sheet music/guitar tabs online to shrink down and print out.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

so much to do, so little time...

repaint the door frame pieces 'cause they got green flecks on them somehow :/
paint the keys on lena's new keyboard
make a whole bunch of tiny plastic baggies to put the guitar string and picks in
make the tiny guitar picks
paint "door" on the "wall" and attach the frame
decorate the counter
make some tiny candy and other knick-knacks for display on the counter
make more flyers for the notice board, print all the flyers, and attach them to the corkboard
write out class schedule on the chalk board
find some sheet music and guitar tabs online to resize and print

and there may be more that I'm forgetting, but that's what I can think of off the top of my head.
all of this needs to be done by, but ideally before the 22nd >.<

I'm aiming to get at least the first two things on the list knocked out tonight.
I've spent most of the day sanding, painting, sanding again, and repainting the door frame and base of the keyboard.
the keyboard is drying now.
after it's dried all the way I'll respray the door frame, and be sure to change the plastic sheeting on the spraying platform before I do so that I don't get more of any of the other colors on it again >.<

again, if anyone wants to make any tiny flyers for me you're more than welcome to. they can be for your characters' bands, or businesses, or at this point pretty much anything else aside from flyers for voice or any sort of instrument lessons, or for secondhand instruments for sale.
for size they need to be about 2" tall x 1.5" wide give or take a little.

and here's a little look at what lena's keyboard is going to look like :3
I used a combination of the krylon flourescent green and the shimmery lime green testors "one coat" for the body of the keyboard.

so much to do, so little time...

Thursday, March 15, 2012


pretty much finished up painting the dresser/counter so later I'll be adding the scrapbook paper to decorate it.
I'm also going to cut and put together the pieces for the door frame and paint them after I figure out how big the door frame needs to be.
then I want to try and start putting together some of the little knick-knack bits like little packs of guitar picks, packages of guitar string, and other various little "impulse buy" type stuff that's generally found around the counter area in music shops.
and I need to work on some more flyers for the bulletin board 'cause I've only got one done so far xD

finally got shipping notice from my fur supplier for the fur that I ordered for Fee's last wig and a wig for another friend. it should have shipped nearly two weeks ago, so I'm kind of annoyed; but at least it's finally on it's way now.

and in other news, I'm getting a blythe :D
my feebb has been nice enough to trade me an sbl silver snow that's in need of some serious love.
I'm planning on doing a full custom.
mohair reroot, new chips, gaze correct, repaint, and I'm probably going to stick her on a pure neemo advance flection body because I like the look of them and I'd like to have the added poseability.
this will be my first attempt at a blythe custom, and it's  probably going to be a long process 'cause all the bits and pieces are looking more expensive than I'd thought they might be; but I'm excited about her none the less.

Saturday, March 10, 2012


I got what I'd call about halfway through with the counter today.
I've got the whole thing coated with black paint, but I need to get another can to go over everything one last time so it's all even 'cause I just barely had enough to get the drawers coated so they're not as dark as everything else; plus the very end of a can of matte paint will sometimes give you a semi-gloss finish instead of matte, which is what happened to the base of the counter (actually it's a tiny dresser, but it's what I'm using as the shop counter), so I want to spray lightly over the whole thing to make it matte again.
I'm really happy with the result so far though, the front side (the back of the dresser) didn't end up so much a semi-gloss finish as the other side did since I sprayed it first; so it looks like what the whole thing should look like when I'm done.
after I get some more spraypaint and finish coating it one last time I'm going to add the scrapbook paper with the music notes on it that I got to decorate the front of the counter with.
in this shot lena is bent forward at the waist with her chest joint latched back so she could lean forward with her elbows the counter. when she's standing up straight the counter comes up to about her waist.

when I go to pick up paint I also need to pick up the foam boards for the walls and pick a shade of fleece to use for the floor.
I also have to figure out something to use to make a door frame 'cause the door to the back of the store, where izzy's office/the stock room/etc are, is supposed to be behind the front counter.
I'm thinking that I'll probably use either some more foam board or some balsa wood, and just glue it to the "wall" then paint the inside of that and add a doorknob for looks 'cause I don't need a door that functions or anything, I just need it to look like a door xD

I'm thinking that I'm going to try and work on some flyers for the corkboard tonight just to try and get something else taken care of.
my feebb is planning to do a handful for me, so that helps a lot; if anyone else is interested in making some too, the info about what I need is in the post I made yesterday.
if I happen to end up with more flyers than will fit on the board at once they will definitely still get used 'cause I do plan to rotate the flyers each time I use the shop set-up so that it doesn't look exactly the same each time.

Friday, March 9, 2012

not so super secret project.

so I figured I'd go ahead and explain this  "project" that I've mentioned a couple times already since I'm hopefully going to start working on some parts of it tomorrow.
my birthday is March 22nd, and two years ago my dollzone aimi arrived on my birthday.
at the time she was Lena, who has since been re-shelled as a mnf ryeon, and though Lena was a character that had been around for several years I'd never given her a set birthday; so since Lena is my oldest character and is so special to me I thought it'd be fitting that we share a birthday.
now that the aimi is Livi rather than Lena I still treat the 22nd as Lena's birthday (and Livi's character birthday is in December on mnf!lena's arrival date) but it's also still the Aimi's arrival date, and since she was my first I consider that to be something special.
so because it's a special day for both of them I wanted to do something, a photo shoot, involving the both of them.
here is where the not so super secret project comes in xD
I don't want to do just a boring, stick them out on the porch and snap portraits, shoot; not only because that wouldn't be as fun or interesting, but also because the way that they know each other in the story is through the music shop where Lena works 'cause Livi is a dancer and would shop there for stuff like background tracks for performances and what not.
so I'm going to build a photo set-up of the music shop just like the one that I have of Lena's room.
it will be a floor with two walls to form a corner. the front counter where the register and stuff would be. a chalkboard with group class/workshop schedules on it. a corkboard with flyers and stuff like that hanging on it. and other various knick-knacks and decorations to make it look more real/lived in/worked in.
so far I have a small wooden dresser that I bought the other day at hobby lobby that I'm going to paint black and decorate the back-side of to use at the counter. when I turn it on it's side it's pretty much just the right size for a shop counter, and it was cheaper than if I'd bought wood to try and build a counter that probably wouldn't have looked nearly as nice (plus I can use it to store the bits and pieces of the set-up in when I have to stash everything away after I'm finished using it for the day).
and also from hobby lobby I purchased a little wooden framed chalkboard that I'm also going to paint and decorate 'cause right now it's boring unfinished wood.

tomorrow if the weather is nice I'm hoping to try and get the dresser painted at least part of the way.
I'm not sure if I have enough spray paint to actually get it finished, but I'd like to at least get started on it since I only have something like just shy of two weeks to get everything done at this point. 

if anyone might be interested in  doing something to help me out, if you'd consider making a flyer (or a few, it's up to you) that is either made small to begin with (no bigger than probably 2"x1.5"-ish)  or that are big but not too busy looking so that I could shrink them down to print and have them not look like a jumbled mess.
the subject of the flyers is kind of up to you, but I'd prefer them to be for music related.
things like band auditions (preferably for made up bands), shows (again, preferably made up bands/performers. can be your characters. locations can be real or made up), "performers needed" type flyers, and stuff like that.
oh, and they can be in color or just black and white 'cause I'll probably print any that are black text/images on different colored paper since I have lots of different color options.
I don't foresee that many people sending me stuff, so it's likely that your flyer will end up on the corkboard in the picture that I'm going to be posting on the 22nd if all goes according to plan and I get everything done in time, but if somehow I get enough that I don't feel like they're all going to fit I do plan to rotate the flyers out each time I do a shoot with the set-up so they'd end up there at a later date.
if you do decide to make one (or more) you can email me by clicking the link in the right sidebar.

I'm also still trying to get rid of a couple Monster High dolls.
I have a Mad Science Lagoona and a Skull Shores Abbey.
for more info about them you can check the post that I made about it yesterday.
feel free to email me with any questions about them if you're interested.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

take them awaaaaaaaay. please take them away xD

I picked up a mad science lagoona and a skull shores abby for a friend awhile back and they've decided to pass on them now because it'll be too long before they can afford to pay me for them.
I'm not trying to make money on them, just get back what I paid.
they're both brand new and have never been removed from their boxes. I don't mind removing them from the boxes for cheaper shipping if that's what the buyer would like, but that will only change the shipping price and not the price of the actual doll.
please note that I do live with smokers and do have a dog and a cat, but the dolls have been stored away untouched in a trunk since I brought them home.

lagoona is $20
abby is $15

in their boxes they'll ship for $10 separately or $15 if you take both
out of box I should be able to ship them for about $5 separately or $10 if you take both.
and this is for shipping in the US.
I will sell internationally, but I'm not sure at the moment what shipping would cost.

I don't have any pictures of either of these dolls at the moment, but if you'd like proof pictures I'd be more than happy to take some for you.

 all gone.
abbey went back to the store, and I decided to just keep lagoona for myself.
thanks to everyone who at least looked ^_^

+2 productivity!

finally finished up the last two of fee's wigs that I had fur for.
hopefully the place where I get my fur will get back to me soon about why the stuff for her last one still hasn't shipped so I can get that one done too 'cause it's starting to stress me out.

this one is pukifee size.
it's meant to have a straight fringe, but I'm leaving it up to fee to cut it 'cause I know she prefers to cut it on the head it's for.

and this one is for a yo-sd size doll, but pan has to model since she's the closest size head that I have that's not too big.
she's swimming in it so it looks crazy fluffy, but I think you get the idea xD

 the back has a green under-layer with flashes of blonde on both sides. 

now that those are done I'm going to try and bust out the three tutu commissions that I need to get done so that I can feel less horrible about wanting to work on my not so super secret project.
I'm excited to start working on the music shop set since I picked up some of the things for it yesterday, but working on personal projects when I have stuff that people have paid me to do still waiting always makes me feel bad.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

well today has been interesting...

so I was getting ready to go to hobby lobby earlier to pick up some stuff for a project that I'm trying to get done with before my birthday, and was going to put some different clothes on Lena to bring her with me to compare size of things.
one of her feet was backwards, and as I was turning it around I noticed a hairline crack in her calf piece where her ankle ball sits ;;
I'm not sure if this is a new development, or if it was there all along and I'm only just noticing it now.
I'll have to take pictures of it tomorrow and contact DDE (since I purchased her on layaway through DDE rather than direct from FL) about it to see if it's something that FL will fix or if I'll have to pay for a new part 'cause I'm pretty positive that it's a stress crack from the resin in that spot being rather thin in combination with tight stringing, but I did get her in December so it may be a little late for them to replace the part without me paying for it.
and I mean I'm not opposed to paying for the part if I need to,  I just can't really afford it right now 'cause I already have pretty clothes for Livi from Airee on order.
why do things always have to break when you can't afford to fix them >.<;;

on a happier note, I did find things for the project.
I also got some cute crochet lace trim (which I found in the scrapbooking section xD) for use on clothes for livi when I have some more free time to sew things that aren't for commissions, and some more charms/chain for necklaces for livi.

after hobby lobby I headed over to target since it's in the same shopping center.
unfortunately they didn't have the clawdeen/howleen monster high two pack that I'm looking for, but they did have a whole bunch of mini lalas and as far as I could tell all of the singles were on sale for $4.99
they had the hatter/alice set that I want really bad, but I just couldn't convince myself to get it since the double packs were full price; I did get Marina Anchors though.
apparently she's one of the brand new characters, but she was one of the ones that was $2 off so yay.

finally, today is Pan's birthday.
one year ago today this little bundle of happy showed up on my doorstep. ;3;


Monday, March 5, 2012

omnomnom chicken soup.

I know most of you probably follow me for doll related things, but I know that I can't be the only one that's pitiful and flu-y right now; so I figured that I'd share the recipe that I made up for the chicken noodle soup that I just made another batch of yesterday, in case anyone else happens to want to try it out.
this recipe will make quite a lot, so if you don't want to make enough to last a family of five for a few days you may want to cut everything in half xD

you can certainly switch the veggies that I use for different ones if you prefer something else, I just used things that my family and I all like.
you can also definitely use all fresh veggies or all canned stuff, I just used a mix of both because it's what I had.

x2 48oz carton of low sodium chicken broth (I use Swanson brand)
x1 small package of chicken tenderloins
x1 can green beans
x1 can whole kernel corn
x5-6 small red potatoes
x1-2 handful of matchstick carrots
x2-3 handful of small pasta of your choice (I used ditalini) 
various herbs and spices to taste
I trimmed and put the chicken on to cook first.
cleaned a chopped the potatoes into cubes (I left the skins on, but you don't have to) so that I could put them and the matchstick carrots on to pre-cook while I shred the chicken after it'd finished cooking.
I boiled the potatoes and carrots for about 10 minutes.
after the potatoes and carrots were finished cooking I put the pasta on to boil.
I heat the chicken broth up in my big soup pot, putting in parsley, garlic powder, onion powder, salt, and pepper to taste; when it starts to boil add in the pasta and cook it for about 7-8 minutes.
after the pasta was mostly tender I'd add in all of the chicken and veggies and let it all cook together for another 15-20 minutes.

I hope that all makes sense for anyone who happens to want to make this.
I'm definitely not pro at recipe writing, I generally just kind of add stuff until it tastes good xD

Sunday, March 4, 2012

flu ;-;

so I was going to be all productive and get stuff done, but now I'm all flu-y and haven't done anything but lay around and watch stuff on hulu for the past two days...
hopefully I'll start feeling less shitty soon 'cause I've actually been taking medicine even though in general I don't like to take anything unless I absolutely have to.
definitely only just realized that I forgot to go look for nasal spray when I went to the store earlier though.
had to go pick up more sick person supplies xD
tea, honey, lemon, orange juice, tissues, and stuff to make another batch of the homemade chicken soup that I made for my dad last week when he had the flu that I have now.

and since I'm a horrible person, I like to make my dollies suffer with me xD


Saturday, March 3, 2012

busy @.@

I procrastinated for the better part of the day 'cause I was just super tired from staying up until obnoxious hours of the morning yesterday, plus allergies have been kicking my ass this week.
but tonight I busted out two of the four wigs I'm working on for fee right now, and finished the one that I'd gotten mostly done yesterday.


I'm really happy with how the rainbow-y one turned out.
and everyone seems to really like it, so yay for that.

now I just have to wait for the fur for the last one to get here so I can get done with it too.

so, tomorrow I'm going to finish up the two wigs that I got mostly done tonight.
and hopefully get done with a few tutu commissions that I have lined up just so that those are out of the way before the fur for fee's last wig as well as fur for another commission comes in the mail.

Friday, March 2, 2012

sleep is for the weak...

had to stay up until 5-ish to make sure my brother woke up to go do army stuff.
was busy finishing up the first of what will probably be many tiny rainbow wigs xD
so now it's edging towards 7am and this is the disaster area currently occupying my bed.


at least I got the wig done 8D
and chibi!bb wig plans are under way. 
now to clean all this crap up so I can pass the hell out

Thursday, March 1, 2012


finally for real trying to be productive and bust out at least one of fee's wigs tonight.
I made the prototype for the pukifee size one 'cause I needed to test the pattern to make sure it's the right size since pan's wig is actually too big so I didn't want to use the same pattern I'd used for hers. I gave it a quick wash 'cause I'd brushed the fur that I used for one side of it and it looked awkward, so now I'm waiting for it to dry so I can try it on her and then get to work on the actual wig that size if it's okay.
and I cut out the pieces for what's probably the most complicated of the 4 that I'm doing for fee right now. hopefully it's going to turn out awesome though. and I think that if I can manage this one then chibi!bb wigs will be a go, so that's good.
here's a preview picture of the complicated one.
crappy cellphone picture washed the colors out, they're much more pretty and vibrant in person.
and just so you know, the measurements beside it are in inches. so that gives you a clue as to how tiny it is xD

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


woo late night pattern making.
finally trying to get some work done on my feebb's wig commission.
I feel like it's taking me an obnoxiously long time to get going on them, and I really really hate making people wait any longer than I have to >.<
I'm really hoping to get at least the ones that I already have the fur for done this week though; and hopefully the fur for the other one should be here soon-ish so I can get that one done too.
I also have a couple of tutu commissions that I need to get done, but I don't think I'm going to work on those tonight 'cause I prefer to do tutus in one sitting and it's already 2am; so I'll probably get started on those tomorrow.

Monday, February 27, 2012

what's up buttercup?

it's technically still winter I guess, but it definitely feels more like spring here.
the annual flowers we have in the front yard are already in full bloom and our tulip tree is starting to bud.

I know that daffodils and buttercups are actually two completely different types of flowers, but I always remember calling daffodils buttercups when I was a little kid. I think it may have something to do with how in Willy Wonka there's that candy in the factory that looks like a daffodil, but he calls them buttercups.
I've been on such a livi kick lately...
partly I think because I've been playing with new eyes and new clothes, but also because as much as I love lena and all her bright colors, it's been really fun to play with all the softer neutral tones for a change.

I had started working on a pair of eyes for her after I got the glass ones that weren't what I was expecting.
after I put the glass ones in her they kind of grew on me, but I had already made the blue acrylics so I decided to go ahead and at least try them out; but now I kinda like them too so I'm torn :/
so basically I'm open to opinions if you want to give them.
I left the acrylics in her for the shoot I did today, and I'm going to leave them in for at least another day or so to see how I feel about them after she's worn them for a bit.
I also decided to play around with editing on the picture that I submitted to dA for my 365 today. it's different from how I'd normally do things, but I kind of like it.




Sunday, February 26, 2012

well that was smart...

so I'm really good at this whole blogger thing.
I just deleted comments that I didn't mean to 'cause I thought that delete just meant remove from the comment inbox thingy.
go me.
sorry to fee and miki for deleting your comments xD
lesson learned, unfortunately the hard way.


so I don't usually get out much...
I make regular trips to the store for groceries and what not, and I go to the post office whenever I have orders to ship out; but aside from that and the occasional doll meet I really don't go anywhere all that often.
but a close friend of mine who I didn't get to see particularly often for awhile has been less busy lately, so we've been hanging out more again.
we went out to lunch today at a place called mimi's cafe (if you have one near you, you should totally go. omnomnom red velvet cheesecake) and then we decided to go to the movies to see the new, well not really new so much as new to the US, Miyazaki film "The Secret Word of Arrietty"
I liked it a lot, though I do wish it'd ended a little differently. I also wish they hadn't switched the names of characters to more American names when it clearly takes place in Japan.
I know they did it 'cause they wanted it to be more appealing to the American audience; but it just seems silly to me 'cause we already have an American film version called "The Borrowers".
but anyway, it was nice to get out of the house and actually hang out with someone other than my mom xD
my 365 photo for the day definitely suffered because of it though 'cause I didn't have time to take anything before I left, and it was nearly completely dark when I got back.
hopefully I'll have something better tomorrow though. I actually already have an idea for the shoot I want to do, whether permitting ^_^

you make me happy...

when skies are grey.
when skies are grey.
I love my liviface ;u;
she really is just so perfect.
I can't wait until I'm not so pathetically broke so I can get her more proper clothes.
even though I've made her some things, most of the pieces don't really have matches.
she doesn't even have pants of her own, really she'd wear lighter wash jeans than these probably; but I had to stick her in lena's since they're all I have for now.
but hopefully soon I'll be able to afford to get her some nicer things, and will get done with the commissions that I'm currently working on/going to start working on, so that I can make her some more things.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

blog, I haz one!

so I've been meaning to make a blog for awhile now, but just never got around to it.
but after some prodding from mah feebb this morning I caved and started putting this all together.
I've spent the better part of the day arranging everything, but I'm pretty happy with how it's all turned out.
and I think it'll be nice to have a place to ramble about crafty things and talk about progress on craft projects without worrying about the rules of certain sites where I would otherwise post such things.