Thursday, March 8, 2012

take them awaaaaaaaay. please take them away xD

I picked up a mad science lagoona and a skull shores abby for a friend awhile back and they've decided to pass on them now because it'll be too long before they can afford to pay me for them.
I'm not trying to make money on them, just get back what I paid.
they're both brand new and have never been removed from their boxes. I don't mind removing them from the boxes for cheaper shipping if that's what the buyer would like, but that will only change the shipping price and not the price of the actual doll.
please note that I do live with smokers and do have a dog and a cat, but the dolls have been stored away untouched in a trunk since I brought them home.

lagoona is $20
abby is $15

in their boxes they'll ship for $10 separately or $15 if you take both
out of box I should be able to ship them for about $5 separately or $10 if you take both.
and this is for shipping in the US.
I will sell internationally, but I'm not sure at the moment what shipping would cost.

I don't have any pictures of either of these dolls at the moment, but if you'd like proof pictures I'd be more than happy to take some for you.

 all gone.
abbey went back to the store, and I decided to just keep lagoona for myself.
thanks to everyone who at least looked ^_^

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