Sunday, May 6, 2012

late night.

late night sewing.
busy working on one wig commission, and might at least start on another depending on how late it is when I finish this one.
I'm also working my way through the seasons of Being Human (UK) 'cause a few different friends had insisted that I should give it a second chance, and am currently halfway through the third season.
the first time I tried to watch it I got really turned off of it after just a couple episodes 'cause I just really didn't like Annie, and she bugged me enough that I just couldn't really get past it.
but this time around I decided to stick it out and I feel like she got less annoying as things went on; and I really do like other things about the series so I'm glad I gave it another shot.
it's turning out to be a lot different than the American version than I thought it'd be.
I'd say that they do sort of follow the same general plot line to an extent, but there are a lot of things that are really different too; and even some things that are done in both storylines but in different order or are handled differently.
over all from where I'm at in the series now, having seen all of the American version and most of the UK version, I'd say that I do like both pretty equally for various reasons.

oh, and I signed up for a trial of hulu plus to watch it 'cause; but I definitely won't actually be paying for the service after the trial is up.
it costs as much per month as netflix, but it's still got stupid commercials :/
I don't know if the commercials are because it's a trial, but that makes no sense 'cause isn't the point of a trial to actually try the service as it is when you pay for it; so I figure that the commercials are normal.
but why in the world are the commercials on a service that you pay for, that's kind of a rip off in my opinion.
so yeah, I guess it's sort of convenient, but netflix is a whole lot better so if I were to go back to paying for one or the other it'd definitely be netflix


  1. I really liked Being Human when it started but I became less and less enthused as the series progressed. I think the US version does a better job of handling Mitchell/Aiden's character, but I like George's character in the original better. I'm such a George fan.

    I think Hulu has commercials because it plays new to air, and currently on TV stuff. Like Vampire Diaries, or Grimm, you can watch those the day after they air on telly, rather than having to wait for the entire season to finish and for netflix to get it.

    1. I've only just finished the third season and am kind of not sure where it's going to go from there because of what happened in the last episode, but I have enjoyed it so far and I'm interested to see what they're going to do now.
      but yeah, I can see how hulu plus would be good for someone who doesn't have a tv 'cause it would be convenient in that case; but since we have cable and a dvr it seems silly to go ahead and pay for hulu plus once the trial is up.

  2. lol I just started the US version this weekend! It's weird that Josh/George and Aiden/Mitchell are a little different but Sally is so Annie without the tea thing XD

    I did find it humorous that for the first couple of episodes vampires couldn't eat human food at all, then all of a sudden Josh was talking about having beer and pizza with Aiden and Aiden's all "well we can eat food, but it's not for substance". Yeah. They figured out it's boring to have vampires who don't/can't eat human food pretty fast. And lonely for poor Josh who'd have to eat with the two of them staring at him. And for some reason I keep thinking they're going to call him George! I don't have a problem with Aiden and Sally, but I keep waiting for Josh to be George >.<

    I was also a George fan though, so that might be part of it...

    1. haha yeah I did think it was silly the whole lack of eating thing.
      even if it doesn't accomplish anything for them, it makes more sense to eat like a normal person to try and seem more human.
      and it's funny 'cause josh and george are probably my favorites, but I guess having seen the US version first I don't really necessarily want for josh to be more like george 'cause I like them both as they are.
